Information Overload: 4 Helpful Tips to Protect Your Family from Misinformation

It is no secret that being a mama is equally the most rewarding and devastatingly difficult job on earth. In fact, I am convinced all moms were superheroes in another life. I mean who do you know that can grow an entire human being and manage to care for that tiny new human while managing to do the simple things - like be a functioning human being who showers more than twice a week.
But, you already know this. The reality is mothering a child is beautifully exhausting. The most priceless moments of life are experienced in motherhood and also the most painful ones.
No matter how many books you read and classes you take, the truth remains the same: Being a mom is really hard.
But keeping your child safe shouldn’t be.
With ads seeming to consume every screen every minute and limitless commercials, it can become easily overwhelming to understand what products you should and shouldn’t use.
Here are some helpful tips to stay informed and keep your family safe.
1. Read the Label
If an ingredient is too hard to pronounce, chances are that ingredient shouldn’t be there.
2. Don’t be afraid to ask questions
Consult your physician. Do you research. Usually a quick Google search will let you know right away if the ingredients in question belong in your child’s products and food.
3. Get resources
Apps like Think Dirty give you side by side comparisons of products and their ingredients. You can even use their barcode scanner to pull up ingredient facts.
4. Trust your gut
No one knows like you what’s best for your family. If something doesn’t sit right with you, even if others are saying ok. Trust your gut. Listen to that little voice. You are the protector and keeper of your family and only you know what is right for your family.
Information overload is a real thing. Don’t feel the pressure to do anything you’re not comfortable with. As a mama, you have the superpower of knowing what’s best for you and yours. Here’s to being more intentional in our understanding of ingredients and more trusting of our intuition. You got this mama!
Famokids is a childcare brand that creates timeless baby activity play mats that are 100% toxic free. The one place where style and safety go hand in hand. Shop Famokids collection now. Baby Safe, Mama Approved!
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