Meet a FamoMama: "Raising Well Balanced Children"

Meet our featured #famomama Amanda, creator of the blog and Instagram account, A Balanced Childhood. An elementary teacher, turned stay at home mom of three children, Nolan (7), Mackenzie (2), and Addison (4 months old). Amanda studied art as an undergraduate, and loves combining creativity with learning and play.

“A Balanced Childhood, is a parent, caregiver, and/or teachers go to place for activity and lifestyle inspiration. Activities that aim to help develop language, motor skills, creativity, and social/emotional learning, while practicing mathematics, science, and literacy. With a goal of raising well-balanced, socially conscious children.” Not only does she share creative ideas with her followers, but she also creates printable learning and play resources available in her shop.
Here are her three favorite things about Famokids play mat.
- Stylish and functional
- Easy to clean up after sensory play and arts and crafts
- Cushioned and a safe area perfect for all her kids, newborn and up
We also asked Amanda some questions about her personal routine as a mom and creator.

Q1: What is your self-care go-to?
Amanda explained, “Taking time for myself. When I’m feeling overwhelmed I’ll watch a good show, read a good article, or take a bath. If I am busy with the kids and feeling overwhelmed, I often find that a change of scenery helps. Whether going outside, or just going to a new room. Luckily, I have an amazing and supportive husband who values my need for self care and quiet time."
Q2: What is a tip that has helped you get through this crazy journey of motherhood?
“To give yourself the credit you deserve. It’s really easy to compare yourself to others, and be your own biggest critic. However, it’s important to remind yourself daily what you achieve and what you are capable of.”
Q3: What made you decide to create A Balanced Childhood?
“During covid, I lost a lot of the outlets I had to de-stress and unwind. Trips were canceled, family and friends were no longer around, and everything changed so quickly. My son no longer was going to his part time preschool, and everything was nerve-racking and unknown. There was little to no help, and my children were now home 24/7 (then 5 years old and 5 months old). Finding ways to keep our household positive, structured, and entertained became my goal. During a challenging time, it helped me feel motivated, and it helped my children feel safe with our new routine and the new normal. Sensory activities, arts and crafts, and children’s books, helped us all stay happy, while proving to excel my son’s learning. I also loved tapping into my creative side again by creating resources to share. Instagram and my blog became a community to go to share, get inspiration from and help one another, especially through a challenging time.”
If you are interested in arts and crafts, sensory play, and children’s activities, head to Amanda’s IG @abalancedchildhood and check out how she uses our Famokids play mat during her play! Shop here!

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